Explore the Benefits

Hover over each icon to learn how our products can benefit YOU!


Your metabolism dictates how well your body can process the nutrients present in foods and turn them into energy for the body's cells.
Iodine helps to regulate metabolism and hormones [3]
Manganese helps fat and carbohydrate metabolism [4]


The folic acid, potassium, Vitamin D, Magnesium, & Omega-3 Fatty Acids present in Sea Moss are known to improve blood circulation, reduces build up of bad cholesterol, and fights free radicals (what causes disease and aging).


Anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties optimize recovery [20]. The collagen proteins repair the connective tissues that were strained during exercise, protects your joints, and replaces mineral your body may have sweated out


The fiber present in Sea Moss helps the digestive system flush out toxins & heavy metals [1]. The antibacterial and probiotic properties remove bad bacteria & promote the build up of good gut bacteria which can help anyone suffering with constipation, indigestion, leaky gut, & ulcers [2].


Potassium, known as a natural antidepressant, helps regulate serotonin (the happiness hormone) levels & reduces fatigue, pain, and cramps [18]
Dietary fibers in Seaweeds alter gut bacteria & promote mental health [19].


The thyroid gland supports the digestive system, heart, cholesterol levels, brain, bones, reproductive organs, nervous system, & your metabolism.
Iodine content helps prevent hypothyroidism (an under-active thyroid) & hyperthyroidism (an over-active thyroid) which can lead to autoimmune diseases [5].


Libido (sex drive) is affected by hormones & brain function. The Zinc in Sea Moss supports a healthy reproductive system [12] & boosts testosterone [13].
Folic Acid, Selenium [14], and Iodine [15] [16] are important to consume before, during, & after pregnancy [17].


Sea Moss has probiotic, antibiotic, and anti-inflammatory properties - meaning it strengthens the immune system & helps with illness, infection, & inflammation.

Our Story

Inspired by their own journey to better health, founders Josephine & Celio created Honest Sea Moss to help more people feel healthier & happier with superfoods


Which is Right for you?

Raw Irish Mineral Bites Capsules Sea Moss Gel
Total Servings 60 1 per packet 30 16
Cost per serving 33¢ $3 - $4.50 40¢ €1.80
Availability Online, in-store Online, in-store Online, in-store in-store
Convenience Needs to be soaked & blended, keep gel refrigerated Ready-to-eat Ready-to-eat Keep refrigerated
Superfoods Irish Sea Moss Irish Sea Moss, Bladderwrack, Cacao Irish Sea Moss, Bladderwrack, Burdock Root Irish Sea Moss
Shelf life ~24 months 9 months ~24 months ~2-3 weeks in the fridge, 6 months in the freezer
Notes Most bioavailable & affordable Convenient and delicious Convenient & affordable Most bioavailable

Superfoods done the Honest way.

Transparency, quality, accessibility.

Enviromental Statement

We’ll do good for you, and for the planet too.

As we strive towards being a registered B Corp, every business decision we make carefully considers the impact we have on the local communities we work with to source and produce our products along with the wider planet.

Honest Sea Moss products are a great source of vitamins & naturally occurring trace minerals that are easily assimilated into the body.

Being sustainably harvested, our seaweed farming also helps to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) & acidity (PH) levels in our waters, making it an environmental AND nutritional superfood!