What is Sea Moss?

Written by Honest Sea Moss Published  Fri, May 27, 2022

What is Sea Moss?

Irish Sea Moss has recently risen in popularity among health-conscious consumers, but its actually been in use for centuries and has a considerable amount of research supporting its benefits. This article will break everything down from its' history to how it can benefit your health and the planet's health. It is our hope that this guide gives you relevant information to feel comfortable incorporating Sea Moss into your daily routine. Let's dive right into it.

Table of Contents

  1. What's Sea Moss?
  2. History
  3. Sustainability

  4. Pros/Cons of Wildcrafting vs. Ocean Farming
  5. Harvesting Methods
  6. Sea Moss Benefits
  7. How to Use Sea Moss Gel
  8. Sea Moss Powder/Capsule Considerations
  9. How to Make Sea Moss Gel
  10. Considerations Before Buying

What is Irish Sea Moss?

Sea Moss is a popular name that has been assigned to several different types of seaweeds. Most of the "Sea Moss" you see on the market today are either Chondrus Crispus [1], Gracilaria [2], or Eucheuma Cottonii [3].

Most of the "Sea Moss" US consumers see is actually Eucheuma Cottonii, which grows in tropical places with warmer waters, hence why most of the supply comes from Caribbean islands like St. Lucia and Jamaica.

Gracilaria is also known to grow in warmer waters. Colors can vary between both of these from gold to green or purple. The pigments on these give each type of seaweed a different nutrient make up despite being the same species.

Chondrus Crispus is a rarer species of seaweed that takes longer to grow and is found in cool waters, specifically in the North Atlantic Ocean.

So how did Sea Moss come to be known as a superfood today?


Chondrus Crispus (commonly known as Irish Sea Moss or Carrageenan) was a primary source of sustenance during the Irish Potato Famine of the 1840's. Due to this, it was looked upon as "peasant food" and a stigma developed as a result, losing popularity as the years of the Famine had passed [4].

According to history books, people waited until the ocean tide receded and would collect the seaweed and let it sun dry on the rocks [5].

Letting it dry in the sun was a natural form of preservation [6] which allowed for users to make sweets from it or put into stews.

Today, seaweed use is more widespread than at any other point in history [7].

Soup with Irish sea moss irish sea moss seaweed salad


The state of health of the planet is under stress as a result of natural resource exploitation. The last decade has brought about an increased awareness on how we should strive to consume in a way that minimizes our impact on the planet. Sea Moss benefits the state of our planet in the following ways:

Offers high nutritional value for low resource use

  • Seaweeds create highly nutritious foods with an abundance of nutrients and fibers
  • They have the added benefit of a low natural resource strain in order to produce

    They even act as a carbon sink

    • Seaweed absorbs carbon dioxide (CO2) and returns oxygen (H2O) to our ocean waters
    • Seaweeds grow by capturing CO2 (through the process of photosynthesis), thereby reducing ocean water acidity (a direct result of pollution) and preventing 'marine dead zones' like the one in the Gulf of Mexico [8][9]
    • Seaweed grows at 30 to 60 times the rate of land-based plants (including planting trees!), making it a much more effective method towards tackling climate change [10]

    We believe its important to sustainably source your sea moss from a producer who helps the environment.

    While our goal is to promote awareness towards the benefits Sea Moss can provide for your health and our planet, you must also be aware of the quality of your source and whether that supplier is promoting a healthier marine ecology or hurting it, based on their practices.

    Pros/Cons of Wildcrafting vs. Ocean Farming

    Sea Moss pool grown or wildcrafted

    While we should strive to always to get our food from a source as close to nature as possible, there could be unintended consequences. We share this information in order to help our customers make an informed decision.

    Sea Moss can be farmed or wildcrafted. Wildcrafting means it is collected from its natural habitat, whereas farmed Sea Moss can be grown in the open ocean or a pool. Wildcrafting is considered the best quality and most nutrient-dense, but there are sustainability concerns due to its rise in popularity:

    • Less oversight on the environmental conditions that the Sea Moss may be growing in
    • May harm the local ecosystem if its not hand harvested properly
    • When hand harvesting, its important that some of the seaweed is left to regrow and continue absorbing CO2

    In order to address these concerns, we make sure to only source Sea Moss from suppliers who have been hand-harvesting for generations.

    This is important to us because a family-run business passed down from each generation assures us that they are stakeholders in their local ecosystem, and it would go against their own interests if they were to harm their ecosystem through irresponsible or over wildcrafting.

    To give us- and the customer- an additional layer of assurance, our supplier:

    Irish Organic Association logo

    • Is certified by the Irish Organic Association
    • Frequently lab-tests their harvests for nutrient content
    • Lab tests for heavy metals (heavy metal content could be a sign of an unsafe harvesting environment)
    • Conducts biomass studies and works alongside other seaweed harvesters in their region to share best available knowledge and practices on how to ensure the region stays safe, regulated, and sustainable.

    Ocean farmed Irish Sea Moss

    Ocean-farmed Chondrus Crispus

    While not as nutritionally dense, there are sustainable farming practices that grow Sea Moss out in the ocean.

    When ocean-farmed, Sea Moss can be harvested once a month. This matters because wildcrafted Sea Moss (Chondrus Crispus specifically) is more seasonal, which is a factor in pricing and makes it more susceptible to over-wildcrafting.

    Pool-grown sea moss (commonly referred to as Fake Sea Moss) is when farmers try to replicate the conditions of the ocean- such as movement and lighting- in a pool. Due to this controlled environment, pool-growned sea moss can't obtain their nutrients from open ocean water. You can identify it by its lighter, less vibrant color (usually a good indication of nutrient density).

    While ocean-farmed Sea Moss is a viable alternative to wildcrafted, pool-grown sea moss should be avoided altogether if optimal health is the goal.

    Harvesting Methods

    Hand harvesting Irish Sea Moss

    Hand harvesting

    Hand harvesting irish sea moss

    Wildcrafted Sea Moss is harvested at low tide when it's easiest to grab them from the rock and surrounding tide pools.

    Collectors then cut the Sea Moss from the rock if its attached. This can only be done seasonally during peak harvest times, hence why wildcrafted Chondrus Crispus tends to be the most expensive type of Sea Moss.

    Ocean-farmed Sea Moss is usually collected through a planned dive about once a month to collect their harvest.

    Sea Moss Benefits

    The body requires 102 minerals for optimal health. Minerals are important for bone, muscle, heart, and brain health; along with being a catalyst for the production of important enzymes and hormones that regulate our body's system [11].

    Irish Sea Moss contains 92 of them in the form of trace minerals and macrominerals. This abundance of minerals translates to a wide range of benefits one can have through consistent consumption of Sea Moss, including:

    • Heart Health Support
    • Reduced Inflammation & Congestion
    • Improved Blood Circulation
    • Mental Health Support
    • Immune System Support
    • Thyroid Support
    • Improved Gut Health & Digestion
    • Libido & Fertility Support
    • Metabolism Support
      • Appetite Control/Weight Loss
      • Improved Energy
    • Supports Hair, Skin, & Nail Health
    • Great Post Workout Recovery Tonic
    If you want an in-depth look at how Irish Sea Moss specifically helps each of these, check out our Sea Moss Nutrition & Benefits article!

    How to Use Sea Moss Gel

    Sea Moss is one of the world's few natural sources of carrageenan, making it a plant based alternative to gelatin. This means you can add it (in gel form) to almost anything as a natural thickener/binder. Some of the easiest ways to integrate it into your daily routine are by adding it to:

    • Smoothies & Juices
    • Teas
    • Soups
    • Sauces
    • Cakes
    • Mousse
    • Homemade ice cream (my favorite)

      For ideas and recipes on how to add Sea Moss to your diet, check out our Sea Moss Recipes article.

      In addition to eating it, Sea Moss Gel is a natural vegan collagen source and can also be used topically on your skin or even as a dandruff-repellant conditioner [12].

      This might sound a bit too good to be true, but don't take our word for it. I urge you to check out some online forums and speak to people you know and see what their experience has been with Irish Sea Moss.


      Sea Moss Powder/Capsule Considerations

      Besides using Sea Moss Gel, alternatives include powders and capsules.

      These are made by drying Sea Moss and grinding it down to a powder and often exposed to some type of radiation during the processing. Powdered Sea Moss and Capsules are easier to deceive consumers by being cut with fillers.

      We don't sell these simply because we believe the way it is processed compromises the nutritional value.

      How to Make Sea Moss Gel

      Soaking Raw Irish Sea Moss with Organic Limes

      Soaking Sea Moss with Organic Limes

      If you have time, we recommend the 24-hour prep as the shorter prep requires boiling the water which could compromise some nutrients that seep into the water.

      1. Clean (We do this for you!)

      • If it's a brand other than Honest Sea Moss, thoroughly rinse the raw Sea Moss with cool water, making sure to remove salt and any foreign ocean matter that may have stuck onto it
      • If you buy our Raw Sea Moss, it already comes cleaned, rinsed, and ready to soak for you. We still recommend you give it a quick extra rinse before soaking.

      2. Soak

      • Once cleaned, fill your container with just enough spring or mineral water to cover the Sea Moss
        • For every 100 grams of raw Sea Moss, add about 7 cups (around 1650 ml) of water.
        • Squeeze the juice from a lime onto it.
        • The acidity from the lime helps speed up the process and nullifies any remaining sea smell/taste. I always do this so I don't have to worry about the gel messing up the flavor of whatever I add it to.
        • Add a plate on top to help keep the Sea Moss under the water
      • Soak for 24-48 hours
        • The longer you soak, the easier it is to blend
      • Alternatively, soak for 3 hours in spring or mineral water
        • Heat the leftover water to a boil
        • Pour back on the Sea Moss and cover for an additional 3 hours

      3. Blend

      • Blend the Sea Moss and add remaining water as you prefer
      • The more liquid you add, the less gelatinous it will be

      4. Store

      • Store the gel in a clean container (preferably glass)
      • Gel will last 3-4 weeks in the fridge, and up to 6 months in the freezer
      • In order to prolong shelf life, avoid cross contamination, keep the container sealed, and minimize time spent out of the fridge

      *Tip: I prefer to make large quantities at once (8oz or about 235 grams of raw Sea Moss can make over 1-2 months' supply). I place about a month's worth in the fridge and store the rest in the freezer.

      Fresh Sea Moss Gel

      Fresh Sea Moss Gel

      Considerations Before Buying

      Due to Sea Moss being part of a largely unregulated industry, there's much more to keep in mind than just price. Some factors to consider:

      • Sea Moss origin: What are the environmental conditions in the area?
        • Low pollution or high pollution?
        • What is the quality of the waters it grows in?
      • How is the Sea Moss grown? Wildcrafted, ocean-farmed, or pool-farmed?
        • How is it harvested?
      • How accessible is the supplier to me? (Delivery timeframe)
      • Does the quality of the Sea Moss justify the price?
      • How can I verify the quality of the Sea Moss?
        • Are lab tests provided?
        • Are certifications provided?
        • Are heavy metal analyses provided?

        These questions allow you to make an informed decision. If you're looking to buy Sea Moss and a business isn't upfront and willing to provide any of this information to you, then you should be wary of them.

        At the end of the day, most people integrate Sea Moss into their diet as an investment in their health and quality of life, so there's no point in cutting corners that may limit the benefits.

        We hope this was an informative introduction into the versatile uses of Irish Sea Moss. Check out our shop to see what we offer (products may differ between US and EU markets).

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